College is when you get to spread your wings to fly. It is the very first time you get to be all on your own. You can do what you want, when you want, anytime you want. No one can tell you what to do.
It’s a beautiful thing,
Until you realize it’s 2 am and your homework isn’t done because you may or may not have used valuable day light hours to make six trips to the dining hall and run around your residence hall.
Time management isn’t easy. Take it from someone who belongs in band, three intramural sports (which we won soccer, btw), two engineering clubs, class council, and is an engineering major. There isn’t a lot of time to breathe, let alone sleep, eat, shower, or do homework. The key is to find the spaces where you could be doing homework, but are doing other “productive” things (it’s in quotes because there’s probably nothing productive about it).
Here’s some things to avoid in order to save time:
1. Rearranging your room
I promise the desk really is fine where it is.
2. Leaving your door open.
Solitude for two hours won’t make you insane
2a. Leaving your door open and having a ton of people in the room
I think the specification was needed. Get them out
3. Sleeping during optimal homework hours![]()
Even though it’s calling your name, that four hour nap at 3pm isn’t your friend.
4. Eating at irregular hours
How can you finish homework if you’re craving Dominos at 11pm?
5. Joining too many clubs
6. Helping others before yourself
Although the cute guy down the hall really needs some help, your homework has to be the first priority.
7. Saying yes to every hang out
Again, I don’t care if the cute guy wants to get lunch or get married, get it done. (Guys, this works for you too. It doesn’t matter how good she looks in yoga pants, focus on the homework).
8. Blasting music
Those dance parties in your pajamas need to be postponed.
9. Hour long conversations with your roommate
Whether you haven’t seen her in seven hours or seven minutes, I’m pretty sure that crazy party story from Friday will still be funny in a couple hours.
10. Checking your phone
You know you did it at least a couple times while reading this article.