Finals week does suck, but there are a few more things that suck more than finals week!
Wear socks and step in something wet
Eat something spicy
Move to a different country
Buy a new car
Sing in front of my professors
Attend a family reunion with people I don't remember
Wear jeans that are 4 sizes too small
Only wear my boyfriend's wardrobe for the week
Wear pants 6 sizes too big for me
Only wear sunglasses everywhere I go
Eat peanut butter without milk
Only sleep in uncomfortable positions
Be invisible
Drop out of college
Lose my favorite shirt
Never be able to shop online
Only be able to sing in flat notes
Only eat pizza for the rest of my life
Go to grad school
Have 23 chocolate sundae PopTarts
Write a listicle about avoiding finals week
Good luck on your finals! Just keep pushing, you are almost at the end.