1. Set REALISTIC Goals
If I haven't made it obvious enough, realistic is the key word here. Don't even bother wasting your time setting some outrageous goal that you are barely equipped to accomplish. If you make your goals things that you can actually achieve, you will be much happier with your successes which will motivate you to accomplish even more!
2. Set Multiple Small Goals
Rather than setting a ginormous goal that you aren't totally sure how to achieve, set a series of small goals to get you there. (Also, make sure these goals are measurable!)
3. Follow a Specific Timeline
Once you have decided the steps you need to take in order to reach your goal, set up deadlines. You can clearly lay out your plan on a calendar so you can track your progress and stay on target!
4. Put in the Time
One big problem with New Years resolutions is that they sound great, but when it comes into actually changing people get lazy. Know what you want, and put the time in. If you devote yourself to staying on track you will be able to make yourself proud.
5. Stay Positive
Goals aren't achieved overnight so don't feel discouraged if you do not see immediate results; they will come with time. Even if you are not accomplishing all of your goals or you are not on pace (life happens!), that is OK! If you truly put in the effort and are getting somewhere, this is still an accomplishment. Don't give up!