Why would you get a barbed-wire fence segment permanently etched onto your arm when you could just as easily get the poop emoji permanently etched onto the inside of your bottom lip? Why would you get tattooed an anchor that morphs into an infinity sign that morphs into an inspirational quote you saw on a Dove commercial, when you can instead go for a cool and one-of-a-kind, otherwise realistic image of Jeb Bush despite shoulders that are obviously way too narrow? The answer is obvious.
Since the originality of your tattoos dictates your worth, this list will help you figure out which one to get and additionally imply, for the sake of your reputation, that you didn't find the design the night before on Tumblr.
Here are 20 tattoos that will for sure make you look like the coolest cat in town:
1. Only the second verse of Bohemian Rhapsody
2. A full arm sleeve made up solely of cartoon TV remotes
3. The phrase, in Comic Sans and quotes, "Imma let you finish, but Beyonce had the best album of all time."
4. The phrase, in cursive, "There are some lame fake accounts trying to make Kanye-isms that are not Mark Twain level."
5. Really anything Kanye West says, in an ironic font.
6. A caricature of your favorite anchor from Fox News.
7. A barbed-wire fence segment, but across your entire forehead.
8. The Mercedes-Benz logo on your driver's side butt cheek.
9. The full text of "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyers.
10. That one picture of you on the toilet for the first time.
Border it with a nice floral garland.
11. The chemical compound for Heinz Curry Mango Sauce.
12. Any meme.
13. Your mom's name backward in your dog's handwriting.
14. A hyperrealistic image of a crumpled up Ham & Cheddar Hot Pocket wrapper.
15. Your friend's dog with RIP 2007-2021 under it.
People will definitely think you're psychic.
16. Iron Man's whole mask on your face.
17. "K-Mart" on your knuckles.
18. A popular basketball team's name. But replace the city name with a different city name.
For example: "L.A. Knicks". Maybe put the text over a really dramatic action shot of a player that doesn't even play that sport.
19. Just get every inch of your body tattooed hot pink.
20. Snoopy either pole-dancing or belly-dancing.
Hope this helps!