I'm picking back up where I left off with Gender Roles & the Media Part 2: Jane the Virgin (I took a brief break to write about this). The Mindy Project sneakily tackles a lot of female gendered stereotypes, especially those regarding how many sexual partners a woman should have without becoming a "slut"--a term that should basically be thrown at the window since there is no male equivalent.
Anyhow, here are a few gifs to illustrate my point:
Women don't have to be automatically good with kids.
Plus, in one of the most recent episodes, "Mindy Lahiri Is a Misogynist," Mindy struggles with the office hiring another female doctor. The male doctors all claim that she is just jealous--which is fair, because as she says, "I was raised in a system created by men that has pitted women against each other. It was true in 6th grade and it's still true today. I was taught to believe that men can only handle one woman at a time, so it's not my fault that I was threatened by Anna, it's the fault of the patriarchy. "--but also she just doesn't like Anna. And that's the thing about feminism: we don't have to all like each other. The solidarity lies in allowing each other to be who we want to be and hating each other all the same, with the same freedom as men do.
And overall, doesn't this prove how freaking hilarious women are? Especially since Mindy Kaling writes and produces the show. Talk about girl power!
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