Traveling home from a long semester of schoolwork and partying has you feeling mixed emotions, but nonetheless you are thrilled. You can’t wait to squeeze your parents and relax for a while.
1. You enjoy home more ![]()
You never before realized how satisfying it is to curl up on your couch with a blanket and watch a movie while slowly dozing off into a blissful slumber. You took for granted all of the things you once used to do so carelessly. You forgot how your mom folds your laundry just right and how the scent of fresh-baked cookies wafts through the house. Ahh, it’s good to be home.
2. Home cooked meals are the best thing you could ask for ![]()
Back when you weren’t away from school you begged to go out for dinner. You were tired of the same homemade dishes and craved food that your mother didn’t make. Well, now you are realizing the error of your ways. You need homemade food and even some vegetables that your parents once tried to force down your throat.
3. You’re ok with spending time with your parents ![]()
Remember those times when you were completely and utterly mortified walking around town with your parents, not anymore. Now all you want to do is hang out with your fam. The tables have turned and somehow your parents have become your friends.
4. Your siblings become your best friends ![]()
Yes, there have been years of incessant bickering and fighting, but now all of that has ceased. Without the trivial daily challenges of who is wearing whose shirt, and who is taking too long in the bathroom, there is an odd sense of calm around the house. You enjoy each other's company and confide in one another. You are each other’s twin pillars and this discovery has pulled you even closer together. Don’t lie you missed them, and their aggravating ways.
5. Sleep is a must
At school, all you do is study and go out, and that leaves no time for sleep. Who needs sleep when there’s caffeine anyway? Well, that lack of sleep has now caught up to you and you are completely green. Your body is in relaxation mode and you find yourself sleeping for most of the day and taking naps in between.
6. Home is now a place of relaxation ![]()
In the earlier days, home was relaxation to a point but there were always chores to be done, sports practices to get to, and homework to be completed. Now, your schedule is wide open. All of the craziness happens at school, so when you get home you can kick back and relax. Nice right?
7. You appreciate the little things about home more
Only when you are away do you realize what you truly hold most dear. It is the small details of your life that you begin to think about. You crave how the leaves change in the fall, the crisp winter air, and the way your dog greets you when you come through the door. Home is where the heart is, and home is in the little things.