If you haven't seen this hilarious video shared on your newsfeed within the past week or so, click here now. Candace Payne has made major headlines from her Facebook Live video, of her sharing a new toy she bought herself. She described this Chewbacca mask as a "simple joy", after hysterically laughing at the sound effects the mask made.
Facebook Live is a fairly new feature however, Payne's usage got her over 150 million views after she recorded from a Kohl's parking lot on May 19th. A Recode article broke down how this mom's video has actually made history. Isn't it refreshing that someone's "simply joy" could not only make headlines, but history? The article says the video gained views "faster than Miley Cyrus’s 'Wrecking Ball' (6.1 days), Adele’s 'Hello' (4.8 days) and Psy’s 'Gangnam Style' follow-up, 'Gentlemen' (3.4 days)".
These numbers are beyond impressive. What is even better is the publicity this mother has gotten. Her name lies within plenty of articles, from The Washington Post to Us Weekly, gained her an appearance on Good Morning America, and she's even met and recorded with James Corden. The young stay at home mom has gained a boat load of support for her pure joy, laughter and entertainment with just the click of a button.
If we look deeper at this media success story, we can realize how much we all can use a moment to relax without any stress, and enjoy something simple. Payne has exemplified this with her Star Wars enjoyment, and its allowed millions to part take in her joy. We all deserve out own personal joys, just like she has with her mask. When was the last time you laughed as hard as Candace Payne did (not including when you watched the video)?
Life gets busy, and busy means stressful. Work, school, family and friends, personal insecurities, traumas, losses, you name it. We've all experienced tough and stressful times. But that doesn't mean we have to stop living. In an interview, the Chewbacca Mom mentioned that people messaged her in regards to the video who were consoled by her joy in their time of need. To those people, it is satisfying to hear that a laugh can improve their situation.
I challenge us. I challenge all of us cooped up on our phones, in front of the TV, lounging on the couch, or with a bottle in hand, avoiding our problems or trying to forget about them; I challenge us to get up and get out. Surround yourself with people, do something you love, take the long way home. Take a moment to enjoy the "simply joys" that this life gives you everyday. We often take these moments for granted. Instead, let's use Candace Payne and her Chewbacca mask to remind us how great our lives truly are.