It’s always around this time of the year that I realize how indebted I am to my family. These people are the only reason why I make sure every day to work on being a better person than I was the day before. I shouldn’t only feel this way around November and December. It should be this constant urge to let them know how amazing it is to have them surround me with love and understanding. I am thankful for them and they should hear it constantly.
Thanksgiving is a holiday that represents families coming together. Even though Black Friday keeps getting bigger and bigger each year families still find time to get together in some capacity.
This year I will be working Thanksgiving Day and though that’s frustrating I have to remember that this isn’t the only time I can see my family. That day doesn’t have to be the only time I realize how much I love them. The ending of the year always seems to make me emotional so I will probably find some way to let my family know how thankful I am.
Knowing how difficult things have been around the world this year making sure to let everyone know how thankful you are for them doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Days have never been guaranteed and this year has strongly proven that. We have to be conscious of the time we have now because that is the only thing we are certain of.
Throughout the year I seem to forget that and how much my family helps me but when it gets to the end of the year it really hits me. I sure a lot of people feel that way. I need to make sure to let them know how thankful I am. As corny as it can come off I truly am thankful for my family.