As a young child, naps seemed like the most lame thing on the planet. However, as I get older, a nap is now one of my favorite parts of the day. Some people try to get in a 10-minute power nap once a week, while others may take a three-hour nap daily. My roommate would probably say I am definitely more on the extreme side of nap taking. Whenever I have a free moment, I am always down for a nap. Here are a few things that will make you realize that you are addicted to napping.
- You sleep more during naps than during the actual night
- You cancel plans so you can take a nap
- If you have a break between classes, you reserve that time for a nap
- You are thinking about your next nap as soon as you wake up from your previous one
- Every movie time turns into nap time
- If you don’t answer your phone, your friends know you are probably napping
- You fall asleep doing various activities such as studying and eating
- You rarely see the day light
- You start having full length dreams during naps
- Your favorite place on the planet is your bed
- You can fall asleep anywhere, any time
- Your friends know that if you didn't get your daily nap, you will probably be moody all day
- Your roommate sees you asleep more than he/she sees you awake
- You find yourself sharing memories about napping
- You think that no time is too short for a nap
- When you don't nap for a day, you probably have enough extra time in the day to paint the Sistine Chapel and develop the cure for cancer
- A 5 minutes nap always turns into a 3 hour nap
- You write an article on napping
So, all you sleeping addicts, even though you are probably too busy sleeping to realize it, you are not alone!