As '90s babies, we've seen the digital world change right before our eyes. We went from VCR's to DVR's in a matter of years. We can relate to older people when they talk about pagers and voice machines, and still know every Snapchat filter there is. Our generation has witnessed many changes that most generations can't say they have, not in this way. Here are a few things we have seen come and go throughout our lives.
We no longer had to worry about sitting there for 5 minutes holding the "rewind" button every time we wanted to watch a movie again on VHS. We upgraded to thin CD like movies that played on this and even came with a remote. With DVD Players, kids spent more time indoors learning how to binge watch movies, rather than flipping through the channels for an hour.
We no longer had to walk around with a huge CD player that limited us to only a few songs at a time. We've seen many different versions, shapes, and sizes of the iPod come out. It introduced us to downloading music off of the internet. You could sit there and make playlists for days. This ultimately made buying CDs no longer necessary.
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Who needs a TV, books, DVD player, or more when you had a laptop? As a student, you know your laptop is an essential item. What's a pen and paper? All of your notes, agendas, and homework are now in this then square device. This prevented students from learning how to listen to the lecturer because they can just type what they hear.
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Video games had a huge impact on children of the Digital Age. The demand of toys dramatically decreased. Kids were more drawn to what was on a screen rather than practicing using their imagination to play with games or other children. This also made children less sociable and creative.
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The most popular device was the smart phone. With access to instant messaging, the internet, and social media people no longer had a reason to go anywhere. They could meet people through a screen, making them lack real social skills. Because let's be real, how many times have we seen our followers in real life and they don't talk to us?
Although technology can accomplish amazing things and is fun to use, it has severely hindered our society. People are obsessed with controlling how others perceive them by molding who they are, or their image, behind a screen. Sincerity and creativity is being lost behind these devices.