How To Take The Best Nap Of Your Life | The Odyssey Online
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How To Take The Best Nap Of Your Life

Nap smarter, not harder.

How To Take The Best Nap Of Your Life

Between late night cramming and weekends out with friends, it’s easy to forget what a full eight hours of sleep feels like, and how beneficial it can be. Let’s face it, when was the last time your alarm went off and you didn’t hit snooze? That 8am lecture didn’t seem so bad when you signed up for it, but you sure are dealing with the consequences of it now. Those dark circles are taking up a permanent residence under your eyes, and you’ve somehow mastered the art of sleeping with your eyes open during class. You awake from your daze to find that you completely missed the last five minutes of whatever your professor was talking about. It doesn’t matter how many cups of coffee you to chug, there is simply no substitute for those eight hours. Recent studies have shown that a lack of sleep doesn’t just leave you groggy the next day - it can wreak havoc on your entire body.

Sleep deprivation has become an epidemic among college students, with seven out of ten saying that they don’t get the recommended amount of sleep each night. This leads to loss of concentration, a weakened immune system, and a higher risk for anxiety and depression - something that college students are already vulnerable to as it is. The workload that we face can make it nearly impossible to get a full night’s rest at times, so sometimes it’s best to go back to your kindergarten roots and schedule a nap time for yourself. Just because napping was frowned upon in high school, doesn’t mean that it isn’t completely beneficial. Here’s a few quick tips to taking the best nap of your life:

  1. To wake up more alert and to avoid that after nap grogginess, never sleep past your full circadian cycle. The ideal “cat nap” length is 20 minutes, but if you’re looking for a more long-term snooze, then 90 minutes is the magic number.
  2. Want to wake up extra energized? Experts say that a “caffeine nap” can be the best way to wake up rejuvenated with some extra energy for the rest of your day. They suggest that you quickly drink a cup of coffee (just don’t burn your tongue) and take a quick 20-minute nap immediately after. You should wake up from your snooze just as the caffeine is kicking in, leaving you with a pep in your step for the remainder of your day.
  3. Schedule your naps wisely. Our body’s natural rhythm tends to leave you in a slump once the early afternoon hits, which is an opportune time to be laying down for a rest. But don’t try to take a nap after 4 p.m., as it can disrupt your sleeping pattern and cause the nap to do more harm than good.
College students have a constant wave of information coming their way, from textbook readings to late night cramming sessions, so it’s incredibly important that we are alert and awake to be successful both inside and outside of the classroom. While a full eight hours is something that we all aspire to, sometimes it just isn’t realistic. The art of napping is a craft that no college degree can teach, but something that any college student can master. Remember: nap smarter not harder.
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