1. Espresso
Nearly every night, I would drive to McDonalds and order a medium hot chocolate with two shots of espresso. The first night I decided to do this, the drive through gave me the cup and the piece of advice, "Good luck sleeping tonight." I would drink a few sips at night, to be able to stay awake for studying and homework, and I would drink the rest in the morning. This saved my life during long nights.
2. Early Reviewing
Yes, I am one of those annoying people that studies early instead of cramming the night before. I don't start at the beginning of November; however, reviewing for a class exam one or two days before helped me to learn and understand the material, rather than simply memorize it.
3. Library Hours
The library has always felt like a home to me, because I am a massive bookworm. In recent years, I have enjoyed the productive environment it provides, and the peace and quiet that naturally comes with it.
4. Messy Buns & Sweatpants
Honestly, during the week of midterms or finals, most people are too tired to judge your appearance. This is why I took comfort in the ever-famous messy bun, and I decided to rock the sweatpants. This especially helped me in the morning, when I wanted nothing more but to sleep in, this quick look saved my life.
5. Disney Movies
Disney is a comfort object. It is childhood, magic, and beauty in one lovely package. This is why I decided to put on Disney movies in the background of my studying. These served three purposes- they kept me awake, they gave me background noise, and whenever I needed a break, I simply needed to look up.
These five items, among others, saved my life in the past week. Hopefully these will stick with me until finals!