1. Shop early
We know we should buy our gifts more than the night before, but sometimes we forget. In the rush of decorating, people coming over, and cooking, sometimes gifts are the last things on our mind. To solve this, buy early. It is a little late for this holiday season, but start buying for the next one now. Sometimes, the best deals are throughout the year. We may get enwrapped in the idea of Black Friday Deals and Holiday sales. The rush and thrill may seem enticing, but can add to stress.
2. Do something that makes you happy
As mentioned before, sometimes the holiday season is stressful. Sometimes, family can be stressful. Depending where you are, you may not have the opportunity to be with family or friends, which can also be stressful. This is the holiday season, do something you enjoy. While I believe you should treat yourself occasionally year-round, you should treat yourself especially during this season.
3. Give
Season’s greetings! Season’s givings! This is the most popular time for people to give and volunteer. Huzzah! This season, might I suggest to find an organization you can give to year round. If you want, you can give to your local bell-ringing Santa, but I encourage you to look into the company you are giving to. Find a cause you can see yourself giving to year round. Just because the season may end that does not mean that the season of giving must end.
4. Prioritize self-care
This goes a bit with number two, but is a bit different. Sometimes, family can be overwhelming. Make sure you take the time to step away from the hustle and bustle of the holidays to relax. Know when to say “no” and when to step away.
5. Go with the flow
You can plan all day, until your heart is content. At least with my luck, something is not going to go the way I planned. Unless something goes drastically left field, go with it. So what Johnny found his Christmas gift early? Does it really matter that Uncle A wore red for the family picture when you explicitly said to wear green? Everything will be okay. Let yourself enjoy the time. Yes, plans are important and good. They create structure. But be willing to let go of that plan, if not for a little while and allow yourself to become a kid again.
Happy holidays!