Alright, everyone. We have one week of classes left. After classes are over, we have so-called reading days. Then our favorite part of the year comes, finals. Yes, that's right, we still have finals, the bane of our entire existence at college. We all procrastinate the copious amounts of studying that ensure after our reading days. If you don't procrastinate, I honestly think there is something wrong with you.
Finals have the unique pleasure of bringing out the worse in us, although that is typically what stress causes. Anyways, to the point -- finals do not have to get the best of you. You have things you can do to make finals a little less sucky, definitely not make finals fun, but anything helps, am I right? I have composed a list of helpful tips to help us all get through this ordeal.
1. No phones.
The first step in the process of finals is to make sure you have your full undivided attention devoted towards studying. This means no Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Yeti -- definitely no Snapchat, and Yik Yak. The best idea is to turn off your phone while you are studying. Only turn your phone on when you take your study breaks.
2. Eat the right stuff.
In order to get the most out of studying, you need to eat food that will give you long sustained energy. So no sugary sweets, stay away from candy and stick to nutritious foods. Apples with a little bit of peanut butter is amazing for keeping a high level of energy and concentration. I know that when I am stressed, a cold beer and some ice cream does wonders, but your body will be screaming at you! Also, don't forget to stay hydrated, fluids keep your body at peak performance.
3. Get comfortable.
I hate when I get all comfy and ready to study when suddenly you have to move or relocate because someone had reserved your room for later or you have to meet up with friends at a different location. So find a spot where you can stay concentrated and tuned into studying. Stay away from couches or beds, those will only seductively beckon you, being counterproductive to studying. Don't forget that the library is for everyone. After all, this is for finals, so it will inevitable be packed like sardines. You can go to a local coffee shop or a place you are comfortable.
4. Be social.
This does not mean get into study groups and pretend to be studying. If you have study groups, actually study! Nothing is worse than getting together with some friends to study then talking and messing around the whole time, only to be completely and utterly underprepared for the final. So go find someone to talk to; talking helps you naturally stay awake and give you a short energy boost. Talk to anyone near you, it doesn't matter and, oh yeah, texting is off limits, too.
5. Go outside.
Being cooped up inside all day is no bueno. Going outside for some fresh air is not overrated -- the breath of fresh air will help you stay awake and focused. Go do some jumping jacks or deep breathing exercises to help blood circulation. This will help you decrease stress instantly and feel better.
6. Study breaks.
According to MIT, the best way to study for maximum retention of material is to study for roughly an hour, then to take a 10 minute study break. This allows the brain to relax and get ready for more material. During these breaks, go get a bite to eat, talk to some friends, get some exercise, just do something to help you unplug from studying.
7. Sleep, it's, like, really important.
In order for our bodies to be fully energized and awake, we need to get at least nine hours of sleep a night. Obviously, this is incredibly difficult during finals, which is totally fine. But caffeine is not going to get the job done, although a well-timed cuppa Joe can do wonderfully, you still need that glorious shuteye. Sleep allows your brain to transfer memories from short term to long term memory. Instead of just memorizing the material, you learn it! Try your best to avoid all-nighters, they are terrible for just about every inch of your body. A good compromise is to take well-timed naps throughout the day.