Everyone around you is slowly getting sick. Your roommate, your best friend, and even your professors may be coming down with something. This could be your first time being sick away from home. Let me tell you now, it absolutely sucks and it sucks bad.
Well I am here to give you some hope and tips to help with that troublesome sickness.
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Yes, I know it might be common knowledge but it is the most important step to getting better. Start by looking over you class schedule and see where you could skip a class to sleep. Email your professor or TA that you are sick and they might just excuse your absence. Everyone gets sick so most of the time they will understand. The next tip for getting more rest is to say no to social activities. I know being in college it is so hard to say no to fun activities. Don’t worry, there are always going to be things going on. Getting rest and getting better will be more beneficial in the long run.
2. Stop eating sugar
Sugar is not your friend when you are sick! It will just feed your sickness and make it worse. Try to eat little to no sugar if you can. I know those morning donuts or cafeteria frozen yogurt machines are more than temping BUT eating no sugar will help you feel better and give you more energy. Try eating some fruit and drink lots of water. Water will also help heal your sickness.
3. Take some over the counter meds
Take a trip to your local drug store and grab some cough drops, cough syrup, and any other vitamins that would help. If your sickness goes on for longer than a week after actively trying to help it, consider going to the doctors. It could be an infection and you might need stronger meds.
4. Try and not be overwhelmed and stressed out
When you are sick it is easy to become stressed out and worried about the homework or classes you might be missing. Try to not worry, it will help your healing process without a doubt. Reach out to classmates and friends to get lecture notes or important information you might have missed. Also reach out to friends for help. It is hard to be sick without your family to help and can be easy to not know what to do. Or you could be trying to do everything yourself. Your friends will be more than happy to help out and get you things.
5. Stay away from others that are sick
Living in a dorm is hard because everyone is so close all the time. Sickness gets passed around so easily and it never seems to stop. If you try your best to stay away from other sick people it will aid in your recovery. Yes, this may be close to impossible especially if you are living in a dorm but just put a sick please do not enter sign on your door. That will not only ensure other sick people are not spreading more sickness to you but that you are keeping others from catching what you have. The last tip I have is to use disinfectant wipes to clean everything you are around in your room. That will help to not spread your sickness to your roomate. And if you are spending alot of time in bed, wash your sick clothes and bedding.
Well you will survive. I know being sick sucks and it hard BUT have hope it is only temporary. You can do this! Get some rest, stop eating sugar, take some meds, and stop stressing and you will make it.