Life is a complex thing we all have to face. No many how many times it lets us down or gets our hopes up, we have to push through it. But we all get to that one point where you want to run from all your problems and escape the chaos even if it is just for a few days, but rarely do we ever cave into that want.
Today, I'm here to tell you to cave in. Run from your problems this time, it's okay. Don't expect to escape them forever because as soon as you come back reality must set back in and you must presume your role of "adulting". And don't do it without telling anyone because that can lead to a missing persons report.
Be responsible about it, well as responsible as one can be last minute.
At the beginning of summer, I fell in love. Turned out to be nothing but a summer fling to him. Either way, his actions and false promises were not the reason for my spontaneous adventure, more like the final straw from a complete breakdown. I went to a doctor's appointment that morning, as soon as I got back home I began to pack. I figured I would talk myself out of it as soon as my suitcase was all packed and ready, but for some reason I kept telling myself to do this. I wanted to be near the ocean, to feel the waves crash against my skin, and to get saltwater on my lips.
Pensacola, Florida was my destination and I made it there. It was late at night and just wanted a place to sleep... the first motel we came across was clearly one of those "Pimp Daddy" motel claims. Dirty, cigarette burns, and a prostitute checking in. Easy enough to say, my companions who up and went with me got a refund and we sped out of there.
The next was an "Inn and Suite", full of last minute or broke travelers. It worked though it was fifteen miles from the beach.
On this trip, my only souvenir was a tattoo for my mom on my wrist, I saw my first love who moved to Milton a few years back, and I had the beach waves against me.
After this one day decision to up and go with minimal spending money, I gained more confidence. I'm easier to laugh at myself, and I feel more free and independent than I ever have.
So, when you get overwhelmed and you feel the urge to go... GO. Don't sit back and wish that you would but never do. Your problems will still be here when you get back. Just take some time for you and come back stronger than ever. Be brave, be spontaneous, and go to a place that your heart is calling to.
You don't have to binge shop or drink your problems away. Sometimes just a change of scenery is all you need.
Go on the spontaneous adventure.