One of the most controversial topics facing families today. One that can drive a wedge between mother and daughter and dissolve the bond between father and son. A disagreement that has withstood the test of time and will continue to be debated for generations to come. Just mentioning this topic can cause conflict to arise between friends, families, roommates and coworkers. This topic is, of course, the debate on Christmas music. How soon is too soon?
When I was younger, I would not dare to listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving, partly because I didn’t want to start building the excitement for Christmas too soon and partly because it was an unspoken rule in our house that it was not allowed. However, once I hit the “rebellious” years in high school, I decided it was time for me to listen to Christmas music earlier. I started off with modest listening just a week before Thanksgiving, but then it slowly progressed into listening before Halloween, and I even began to listen to it in August.
Before you leave this article, or comment on how I am a terrible person, hear me out.
I have heard the argument for why this festivity should be postponed until after Thanksgiving – it overshadows the other holidays that are also worthy of celebration. That is a valid and understandable argument. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, where we can show our gratefulness for those we love and all of the other blessings in our lives. This holiday should not be forgotten, nor overshadowed, but this doesn’t mean we can’t listen to Christmas music year round.
Christmas marks the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is the day we commemorate the start of God’s plan to save us from our sins when humans saw the first fruits of God’s gift of eternal life. Christmas carols, or Christmas music in general, is a way to celebrate this holiday, a way to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Why is it so wrong to celebrate this occasion throughout the entire year?
When done correctly, listening to this music throughout the year, or even just a few months early, will not over-power the other momentous holidays, but rather keep the joyful spirit alive year-round. There is still enough excitement, time and energy to celebrate the birth of Christ and also show our gratefulness during Thanksgiving.
This being said, I am by no means saying you should put your tree up and a manger scene in your yard in July, but there is never a wrong time or a “too soon” when it comes to listening to Christmas music. There is never a wrong time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and what that event means for us as Christians.
Maybe July is a little too soon for Mommy to be kissing Santa Claus or for Frosty to make an appearance, but singing "O Holy Night," "Good Christian Men Rejoice," or "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" is always appropriate. No questions asked.