So, I recently posted about the benefits of social media and how helpful it can be to your career. I truly believe that if done right, social media can actually boost it!
A prime example is how I found out about The Odyssey through Twitter. Now, I’m a content creator! Another example is finding out about networking events that led me to a marketing internship that I’m currently doing (Yes, I’m very busy right now)!
However, nothing can be all good. Social media can actually ruin your career. I’ve seen it first hand at my job! So, here are some tips on how NOT to use social media.
1. Keep Work Problems at Work
Let me repeat this again for the people in the back. Don’t. Post. About. Your. Co-workers. Or Boss. I don’t care what they have done to wrong you. I also guarantee that most of your followers don’t care (unless they love drama). Lastly, I guarantee that it will not fix the situation or make you feel better. If you’re having a problem at work, resolve it privately with that person or your boss. Please don’t blast it for the world to see.
2. Don’t Post Offensive Material
You shouldn’t be doing this anyway, but if you care about your career, you REALLY shouldn’t do it. Without giving a full lesson on how not to be a bad person, I will state that if you’re posting (or sharing) something that can seem insensitive to someone based on their race, ethnicity, age, gender, disability or familial status, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected class. I really don’t feel like I should have to write that, but this is the world we live in.
3. Keep partying photos on your phone
This is something I struggle with myself. If you had a fun night, of course you want to share it with everyone. And you should be able to! My tip is to keep anything like alcohol or anything illegal (that you shouldn’t be doing!) out of the shot. I always sit my drink down or stick it below the camera. This way even if my friends post it, I don’t look like the barfly I pretend I’m not.