Sleep away camp might have been the best decision my parents have ever made for me. Leaving your home for the summer and having that sense of "freedom" at such a young age really prepares you for the future. You learn to be independent and make your own choices, all that will help you in college. Shout out to Chipinaw for preparing me for life.
1. Peeing outside
Line for the bathroom too long at that frat party? You've been peeing outside since you were 8 years old. All your college friends who didn't go to camp are amazed at how this is a normal thing for you. Killing the game. Very lady like.
2. Communal bathrooms?
This is a breeze. Sharing a bathroom with way too many people was part of your whole childhood experience. You have no privacy, but this doesn't even phase you anymore. If you were that kid at camp who didn't have shower shoes, you were one nasty little shit. If you don't have shower shoes in college, you probably have some sort of STD going on.
3. Strange food
The dining halls have the weirdest things to eat, sometimes starving is just a better option. Camp taught me how to be a little Pinterest gal and make strange mixtures. Sugar and toast is always a good way to go.
4. Playlists
You know every song out there, the aux was born for you at this point. Throw on "Stacy's Mom" and everyone will be bowing down to you. You probably know every "throwback" to exist and that is all you need to succeed in life.
5. Living with other people
Bunks are much bigger than a dorm room, but your dorm room usually only has one or two other people. Is this a blessing or a curse? Either way you know how to respect peoples space and you probably have more patience than most freshmen.
6. "Homesick?"
What does this even mean at this point? As a kid, you got homesick because the camp food was just not for you, or you miss not wearing shower shoes. Your feet need to feel the water sometimes, I get it. I mean yeah, sometimes we miss being home, but we quickly realize that everything is just temporary. Once you go home, you'll want to be back at college.
7. Waking up early
Almost positive at camp breakfast was at 8am everyday, except the weekends. We didn't have a choice of not going to breakfast, so waking up for that 9am class now really isn't awful. Sorry to my counselors when I was younger, grumpiest morning person ever.
8. Themed parties
You've been making trendy outfits since you were 8 years old. Every themed dance at camp has prepared you for college. Halloween? You probably have at least 12 different ideas. Neon theme? Been there, done that 67 times.
9. Rush
Camp forces you to talk to complete strangers and make them your best friend, whether they want to be your friend or not. During rush, you start to play jewish geography and whoever is rushing you knows someone from your past. Being in a sorority is a lot like being in a big bunkhouse. Do you always like the people on the other side of the bunk? Nah. But you know how to tolerate people and play nice with everyone.
10. Rainy days
Your Hunters are your best friends. Rainy days at camp made me the happiest little nugget in the world. It sucks walking to class in the rain, but you've been preparing for this your whole life.
Sleep-away camp forces you to leave your little bubble of a life at a young age. College makes you completely pop that bubble, it's a brand new life. If I didn't go to camp, I don't know if I would really be able to conquer college. Thank you sleep-away camp for preparing me for whatever life throws at me.