Running hasn't always been a part of my life. In fact, I used to hate running. But as I got older, life became harder. So I had to resort to something. I needed an escape.
It wasn't until my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer that I began running. At the time, running was my way of relieving all kinds of stress and sadness. It was truly my getaway. And it still is.
My grandfather fought a long battle with colon cancer, which ultimately took his life three years ago in January. When he passed, I stopped running for a while. I felt lost and anxious about most things that were going on in my life. My grades weren't the best and I could feel myself pulling away from even the closest people that I had by my side. It was at that time in my life that I realized I needed to run.
Being almost three years later, running is more of a part in my life than it ever has been. I have used running to cope with any negative thing thrown my way. Whether it's a rude customer at work, school stressors or anxiety, I run.
Ever since I've started running daily, I feel no stress, anxiousness or sadness. For me, running just has that effect. We all have coping mechanisms and mine just so happens to be running. If you don't have anything to turn to when you're feeling down or going through a hardship, go find that one thing that makes you feel like everything is ok (even if it's really not). Because it's running that makes me feel like my grandfather is right by my side, running with me.