Many of us struggle with the same problem… we feel like we get in a rut or out of line and over time our problems begin to pile up, becoming a bigger problem than when they were in the first place. Being in a mood where you don’t feel like yourself is difficult and not everybody knows how to fix it. Personally, I get bored with the same routine: school, sleep, eat, repeat. I am someone who needs to spice up her day in order to feel like I'm accomplishing something. Being a college student isn’t easy, and no one said it would be. Trying to juggle staying healthy, happy, and on top of priorities is not as clear and precise as it sounds.
When out of balance and in need of something to jump-start your life, try using these ideas to help:
1. Go to the gym!
Moving your body, being exposed to fresh air, and breaking a sweat is asmall trick to help you feel alive. It doesn’t matter what is causing your day to be thrown off! Hungover? Go run. Mad? Go lift to release the steam. Working out almost always helps change a bad mood to a good one.
2. Try a juice cleanse
3. Clean out your closet
Think of it like spring cleaning. Getting rid of old clothes and updating your wardrobe brings forth a “fresh aroma.”
4. Take a “Me Day” and just sleep it off
Many times, the problem isn’t the current routine, its what’s lacking in that routine. As stressed-out college students, we forget that key components to feeling good and staying on top of school work, sleeping, eating healthy foods, and exercising. Recently, I have not been doing any of those which caused my whole schedule to be out of line.