How to Procrastinate (Effectively)
Most, if not all, of us have fallen victim to the horrid plague known as “procrastination.” Whether it be avoiding school work, responsibilities, or even daily tasks, most of us can attest to the innate and consistent ability of finding something else to do; however, this list will, hopefully, provide some quick tips on how to procrastinate while also sort of getting something done.
1. Do the “Other Thing”
The most effective way to procrastinate is through completing the other tasks that still remain on the to-do list, but still aren’t as important as the task you’re avoiding. By finishing off the other tasks, it’s possible that your motivation to finish the final “Big Task”
2. Hydrate
Drinking a bunch of water won’t necessarily help you complete the large task at hand, but it will provide health benefits that many non-procrastinators may miss out on. Studies show that many people are not getting their required intake of water, so you can at least knock “hydrate” off the long list of To Do’s (Eventually).
3. Shower (or something)
If you’re procrastinating, odds are you also aren’t practicing the best hygiene skills either. It’s probably best to first make sure you’ve showered, brushed your teeth, and finished whatever it is you normally include in your daily routine of feeling like a human again. Go full YouTube guru if you need to. You may even feel ready to tackle the rest of the remaining tasks.
4. Create a To-Do List
Even though, technically, writing out a list is simply another task on the agenda, this helps put everything into perspective. Having a list written out with each individual item can make the tasks seem much more attainable than simply avoiding them.
5. Seek Motivation
One of the best ways to get in the groove of being productive is through seeing other people being productive. This can be best remedied by watching the ever famous YouTube tutorials and DIY projects that pop up on Facebook and Pinterest. Either way, soon you’ll be feeling ready to take on the world (and hopefully your To Do List).