With finals week coming up right around the corner, everyone is preparing in their own way. For me, this is my first time taking college finals. So naturally, I'm freaking out a tiny bit. Actually more than a tiny bit. But the past few days have been very productive for me while I prepare myself for the week of major testing. Not only have I been nonstop typing up my study guides, but the amount of power naps I've been having to take are helping in tons of ways. For anyone else that is taking their very first college finals, here are some things that I've been finding very helpful, and hope they help you out too.
1. Coffee is key.
I love coffee and can't go a day without it.
2. Power naps help so much.
Everyone is always in favor of taking a quick power nap in between study sessions. I know I've definitely been in that situation.
3. The Library becomes your new home.
No shame. The library is the best place to get silence while studying. Even if that means sitting in there for hours at a time.
4. More coffee.
No explanation needed. I need coffee.
5. You look through your textbooks more than you ever have all semester.
My textbooks never leave my side now. I could probably repeat them back to you. The good thing about buying your own textbooks is that you can highlight everything in it and not have to worry about giving it back to the school.
6. Start study groups with classmates.
Getting groups of students from your classes together to have a study group is better than you think. It could be possible that they don't know the information like you do so you both study the same information, or they could be helping you with stuff they know and you don't.
7. Setting deadlines for the week before finals.
This may seem pretty self explanatory, but the entire week before I took my finals, each day had a deadline for something. One day, I'd get all my work done for one class and another day would be fore a different class.
8. Getting enough sleep and staying calm.
Sleep is essential. With all the stress everyone is feeling during the studying they do, it's definitely important to sleep. Although pulling all-nighters is an option that might come across, I can assure you that going to an exam on zero hours of sleep is not a good idea at all.
These few things have been helping me through my first week of preparing for my finals. Hopefully, these can help out in any way for anyone else. Finals can be a terrifying thing, but getting ready for them and taking time to study is the best thing for anyone.