The creative minds behind the hilarious and sensational comedy series Rick and Morty should be awarded and checked into a psychological facility. The plot lines are so beyond funny and completely ridiculous. The creativity and originality of the many adventures of Rick and Morty are nothing short of incredible. There is no better way to showcase the hysterical moments on their show than to relate them to the life of every college student. Find out how Rick and Morty can help you get through your exams at the start of this semester!
When you see on the Syllabus that your first test is in a week.

Trying to become friends with the smartest person in the class so that they can help you study.

Going out five days before the test when you should really be studying.

Trying to join a study group but feeling pressured when they ask you a question.

Finding people as unprepared as you are and starting your very own study group.

Asking your study group if it would be cool to add your exotic friend.
Going to sleep three nights before the exam and pretending it will never happen.
When your study group asks you if you are stressed a couple days before the exam.
Becoming a pickle in hopes of avoiding participation in your exam.

Trying to explain the course material to one of your friends.

Realizing you have forgotten where your bed is on campus.

When your professor asks you a question the day before the exam.

Trying to have a friend explain the topics to you the night before and looking at them as if you understand.

Realizing you do not understand at all and having a minor breakdown.
Cramming. Cramming. CRAMMING.
Walking into the exam completely unprepared but filled with false confidence.
Walking out of the exam wondering if you should drop out of college now, or after you receive your grade.
Forgiving yourself for completely procrastinating your study time and vowing to do better on the next test.
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