If Nintendo/Niantic was money hungry, then they would ruin the number one most downloaded game in the United States. If you can't tell what game I am talking about, it is "Pokemon Go." In the game, you can either earn or buy Poke coins, and you can use those coins to buy Pokeballs, incense, lucky eggs, lure modules, egg incubators, to name some. Niantic could ruin the game for most people if they make it so you can buy a specific Pokemon's candy. If you didn't know, you can use candy to level up and evolve your Pokemon. I find it fun to go out and catch Pokemon, then transfer it so I can get an extra candy. It feels good knowing that every other player is going through what I am going through.
If you look at game modes like MyTeam, a part of the NBA 2k franchises, you pretty much need to spend money to get a good team. It is a fun game mode, but isn't fair when you don't spend money and play against people who spend money and have the best cards. This is just one of the game modes that in order to do well, you have to spend money. I am hoping that "Pokemon Go" doesn't take this route. I believe that a lot of people would stop playing this game.
It's a free game, and I would like to see it stay the course where you don't need to spend money. Not all of us has the luxury to spend money on games, and I believe that it will take the fun out of catching Pokemon.