How People React When You Say You're Thru-Hiking | The Odyssey Online
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How People React When You Say You're Thru-Hiking

"You're doing what? Are you insane?!"

How People React When You Say You're Thru-Hiking
That Oregon Life

I was in London when I really started researching what it would take to complete a thru-hike. Overwhelmed and curious, I dove right in. Basically a "thru-hiker" is someone who completes the trail from start to finish in one attempt. The most common long-distance trails are the Appalachian, the Continental Divide and the Pacific Crest. All three containing harsh terrain, breathtaking scenery and running over 2,000 miles.

When Cheryl Strayed's book Wild was adapted into a film winter of 2014, and later Bill Bryson's book A Walk In The Woods in spring of 2015, the trails sparked some interest. The PCTA; Pacific Crest Trail Association reported their website traffic had increased by 300 percent. People were interested; those who didn't even know these trails existed were now leaving their jobs or taking sabbaticals in attempts to thru-hike these beasts.

I spent hours among hours researching. Reading personal blogs of past thru-hikers or seasoned outdoorsmen/women. Watching trail videos of hikers while on trail documenting their progress. Pricing gear, researching it and pricing it twice more. My life's purpose at that time was to learn as much as possible about the trail. The Pacific Crest Trail; a 2,660 mile trail that runs from the California/Mexican border to the Washington/Canadian border.

When I FaceTimed home to my family, I wasn't updating them on how my life was half a world away, I was updating them on the latest gear I'd found or hiker I'd exchanged emails with. Look, I have a lot of ideas and pipe-dreams and I think they just thought this was another one. When I arrived home months later and was still as obsessed with all the research I think they got a little concerned.

After I took my mom to Appalachian Outdoors, our local camping store, I think she started to grasp the reality that I was actually doing this. When I purchased my pack, we had a sit down talk. She was less than pleased.

When I tell people what I'm doing with my life; working endless hours and never sleeping in the hopes of surviving a 2,500+ mile trail, they mostly just stare and ask "Why, and who are you going with?"

And then they process and the rest follows: "You're going ALONE?" "What kind of gun are you carrying?" "How will you carry that much food with you?" "Where will you shower?" "You're going to sleep in a tent for six months?" "Are you crazy? You have to be crazy." "I could never do that!"

I come from a pretty small town in central Pennsylvania, and most of those born and raised here have zero interest in leaving. Some don't understand the burning desire to explore and experience as much as the world can offer. The majority of folks from my hometown have zero clue what the PCT even is.

A real interaction between a customer and I: "What adventure are you winding up for now?" "I'm actually gearing up to hike the PCT." "PCT?" "Pacific Crest Trail, basically I walk from Mexico to Canada." "HAHAHAHA you're literally going to die." "Thanks."

What my mom thinks:

What my friends think:

What society thinks:

What grandma thinks:

What I think:


Generally the folks at Appalachian Outdoors or those at REI are the ones I connect with the most about this. They're just as excited to talk specs of gear or debate down vs. synthetic materials. They understand the want, the need. Drew, my main gear guy at App House has fielded hundreds of my festering questions, read my second-guessing emails sent at 2 am, and calmed my nerves more times than I'd like to admit. Shoutout to you, big guy.

There are times when I even question what the hell I'm doing. I work literally all the time, I never sleep, I never see my friends or family. All in the hopes of potentially surviving a six month walk in nature. Typically on my longest days is when the doubt sets in, and all it takes is for me to open my packet or guidebook or look at my walls to be reminded of this magical adventure I'm about to set out on, this lifelong dream that's finally coming true.

Most of the concern is that I'm a young female, alone. How sad is it that a lady can't travel alone without being told a list of ways to be careful or protect herself? I understand, there are major risks and countless potential dangerous situations that could happen. But the truth is, I'm at just as much risk as every other hiker out on that trail.

I find that people are generally afraid of what they can't understand, so that's what I chalk the majority of reactions I get up to. If I let every lecture or concerning question I got keep me from hiking this trail, I'd be dead and reborn before I could start.

One day at breakfast while I was trying to describe what a mass undertaking it really is to plan something of this magnitude a dear friend said to me, "I honestly didn't think you'd go through with this, I thought it was just something to occupy you while you were away, but you're home and you've done the research and you're still just as passionate about it. You're excitement is infectious."

Yes, I am going to hike this trail and yes, I am going alone. It's never stopped me before; the solitude or fear, so what's the difference now?

Mom, I'm going to be fine.

Friends, thanks for your constant support and trying to hide your concerns.

Drew, thank you. You're the real MVP here.

Dearest PCT, I'm comin' for you.

For all you adventure seekers out there, if it's fear that's holding you back, it only exists in your mind, nowhere else. And it only stems from things you allow to bother you. The pressures and stigmas of society aren't real either. If you want to hike a 2,500+ mile trail, you do that. If you want to backpack Europe, do it. You can do anything you want, it's your life. Don't let the whispers or judgements of others ever keep you from living a life you're proud of. You do you.

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