The term "old soul" was first introduced to me by my own flesh and blood, my mama, for the first time in elementary school. I always had a passion for talking with others, whether they were my age, or they were adults. I was always a talker.
Now that I'm 22, I look back on my past experiences over the years and I now know exactly what my mother meant by this term. I have always been like Jennifer Gardner in "13 Going on 30." No matter what age I was, I always felt like my soul was much older.
As my first semester of my senior year of college is soon coming to an end, I feel like I have learned more about myself in these last few months. God has given me so much clarity on these last 3 years of my college career. I've realized that my Heavenly Father has blessed me as an old soul, and the way that I live life differently. Here are some ways that Old Souls feel and live life differently:
Feeling Stuck in the Wrong Generation: Right now, social media, texting, new iPhone after iPhone, followed by the latest iPhone update... Let's just say that my best friends joke around with me for not responding to text messages, You will know when I haven't been on Instagram or Facebook in a little while... When I am liking all of your things at one time. I do not need or want the new iPhone update, because I am satisfied with just even having an iPhone. DO NOT get me wrong, the technology that we have nowadays has been great and very beneficial, but it has made us want to text rather than talk, made children want to play on Ipads rather than play outside, and take away time spent with friends and family. I would have loved to see the ages spent sending letters in the mail, and knocking on the door to see if a friend is home. I miss the simplicity of those days.
Believing in Old Love
It wasn't until this year that I finally reminded myself that Old Love still does exist. It may not be seen that way in society, but putting my trust and Faith in God to find the right man is the only mindset that I need to have. Old Souls are constantly feeling like they have different perspectives from everyone else. We are constantly believing in the smallest things that can truly make you happy.
Staying positive
I've always tried my best to stay positive and to be able to rub my positive attitudes off on others. Don't get me wrong, I went through some experiences, that stripped me from my positive mindset sometimes, but I found my way back to being that happy go lucky girl. People have always told me that I am always smiling, or that I am always so happy, or that I have such a positive attitude about things. Well, I am always trying my best, but because I am human, I have my days; we all do. I wake up each day trying to be someone's sunshine who might need it, or sending a smile to someone who is going through darkness. I am a very happy person, because I surround myself with those who lift me up, I smile because I am so blessed to have such an amazing family, and most importantly, I am so happy because I am a child of God-I trust in him and know that he always knows best even when we don't get what we think is best for us.
Seeing the beauty in the small things
I am always seeing the smallest and simplest things as the very big things. A small kind gesture means so much to me, someone holding the door for me at a gas station means even more to me, spending even an hour with friends and family means the world to me. GOD means the most to me. When you let God guide you, and show you the way, you see so much beauty in the smallest things, because you are so grateful for all that he does for us. I love clothes, makeup, fashion, shoes, but as you age you realize that your faith and your loved ones are what matters the most in life.
It can be hard sometimes, staying strong and standing alone. It can be difficult feeling like you are going against the norm in society sometimes. But it is a true blessing being an Old Soul, it makes you special. You are able to appreciate the small things in life, and you wake up each new day with an excessive amount of energy. Be unique. Be brave. Let God show you how to embrace being an Old Soul and the gift that he has given you.