Being sick in college sucks. But the good news is that there are a few simple things that you can do to make sure you're feeling better! Of course, I'm not a doctor- so if you're terribly ill, go see one.
1. EmergenC
These little packets might save your life. If you know that something is spreading across campus, start drinking them (even if you don't feel bad). Try to avoid the bug instead of correcting it once you have it. You can buy an entire box for maybe $10.
2. Hot tea and Honey.
I don't know if there's any medical research to say that this solves anything, but I'm a big fan of green tea and honey when I'm sick. I 10/10 recommend.
3. Smoothies.
If you're caught with the stomach bug and can't eat anything, I personally recommend trying to keep down a smoothie. If you can add protein powder to it or something like that, it's even better! Try to get something with fruit or veggies into your body, just so you can keep trucking along.
4. Skip class.
I know this should be the obvious answer, but DO NOT GO TO CLASS IF YOU ARE SICK. Please, just email your professor and tell them that you are under the weather. If you're an incredibly concerned freshman, go to office hours when you're feeling better to ask them to explain concepts you missed. Or, even better, make friends at the beginning of the year so you can get notes from someone. But do yourself and everyone around you a favor, and just stay in bed. You won't recover otherwise.
5. Use your essential oil diffuser.
And if you don't have one, buy one. I usually use peppermint or eucalyptus oils to clear my sinuses right up. I promise, your roommate won't mind that much. Unless they're allergic to the oils of course.
6. Drink water.
If you can, stay hydrated. If you're going to lay around like a vegetable, at least be drinking water.
7. Get some REST.
If this wasn't implied in the "skip class" point, I'm saying it now. Please get some sleep. I promise, your homework assignments will get done when you're feeling better.
8. Go to the on-campus clinic.
Usually, these are a hassle, so I choose to just not go. However, if you're running a fever and think you might have a serious virus, go to the on-campus clinic and get checked out. It can never hurt.
9. Vicks VapoRub.
Put it on your chest, on your feet, literally anywhere that you can think of. It helps a TON. And it's a pretty cheap buy.
10. Ask your friends to bring you soup.
Preferably in a bread bowl. My roommate actually did this, and I have never been more grateful.
11. Call your mom.
She's been making you feel better since you were little. I don't see why it's any different in college now.