It's the holiday season, which calls for family outings and group gatherings. The only bad thing about this is that is tends to lead to interrogation from family members that you don't see regularly. You might not want to say the things you are thinking but it's worth the thought.
- How's school?
Oh, you mean the sleepless nights that I spend every waking moment in the library trying to understand what I'm even studying. It's grrrrreat, so grrrrreat that I want to talk about it over my break away from school. - Have you decided what you're going to do with your life?
No, I haven't. I'm 19 years old, does it look like I know what I want to do? At this point I would rather drop out and learn how to sing. Then maybe, I will have a better shot of being successful. It's all about the money, right? - How's that boyfriend (that you've been broken up with for over a year) doing?
My ex? I'm sure he's GREAT! By the posts with his new girlfriend and the ignoring, I'm sure he's doing just fine. Why don't you ask him yourself? - Did you gain some weight?
YES! I did, I'm sorry that healthy food is expensive and the meal swipes include greasy food, pasta, and pizza. Would you like to fund me? - Why don't you come home more often?
Why would I want to come home to be interrogated for 4 days straight about my future, what I'm doing, how fat I am. No thank you. But thank you for asking, I'm glad I could explain it to you better. - Have you met your cousin's new significant other? They seem pretty serious.
Yes, they are great! I'm so happy for them, are you happy for them? I'm sorry I'm alone and unhappy but I'm managing. I will have 500 cats and I can't wait for you to praise over me to the family! - Do you want to go Black Friday shopping with us?
I would rather rather not. Absolutely not. No way. No way in hell. - Are you working over break?
Yes, does that make you happy? I worked 40+ hours in the summer and blew all of my money on extracurricular activities. Not only do I study half of my life and just want time to relax, why not work too? So yes, I will be at work. Don't come visit me. - What do you do on the weekends? I'm sure you spend all of your time in the library studying and getting that 4.0 that your parents are paying for.
No...actually, I go out. I leave at 8 PM and I'm out until approximately 3 AM. I also order pizza and eat it all by myself. And no I'm not studying at the library all night on the weekends. I have a life, you know? A social life, I have friends and I like to have fun. - What's wrong with you? You look a little frazzled.
Maybe, if you didn't just drill me with every question in the book I wouldn't look this way. You wonder why I don't come home, there's your answer.
So I know you all are thinking these things but don't say them. Smile and fake it till you make it. It's not going to be easy but it's better off letting them think you are the star. You might not have these thoughts but after 4 Thanksgivings and the same conversation with at least 12 family members, it gets old. So buck up little one and put a smile on your face. It's the holiday season and you have to remember why you're thankful. Your family loves you!