Whether due to arrogance or simply ignorance, I thought my freshman year at college would somehow transform me from a snot nosed brat to a true citizen. Ha, was I wrong! Currently, I am halfway through my first year on campus and, if anything, college somehow made me less responsible.
1. Procrastination
The teacher hands out the assignment. Alright, I think. I don't have a class after this. I'll start it right away and finish early! An earnest notion in theory, but when I open my laptop I see my friend's latest Facebook status. Before I know it, 2 hours have passed, I'm late to my next class and I don't even have the heading typed for the paper. No worries, I decide. I've got three whole weeks. Well, three weeks later my roomie yells at me to turn off the lights, while I scramble to finish.
2. Sleep
It's 7:30 p.m. and I still haven't touched my homework due tomorrow at 9 a.m. I should probably get it started soon so I can go to sleep and ensure a solid eight hours. But my talent for procrastination knows no bounds, so it isn't until 11:30 that I get it all done with. Then, I realize there is a new episode of my favorite show. As long as I'm asleep by 1 it's totally fine. So at 12:30, I shut my eyes. But for some reason, I can't sleep. So I open my laptop and type' Netflix' in the search bar.
3. Addiction
Breakfast, first day of college: Quick I only have 10 minutes to grab substance and rush to class. Hmmm. The apple or donut? Coffee or orange juice? I should pick the apple and OJ, but as long I don't make a habit it's totally fine. Right? Also, chocolate for lunch isn't so bad. Nor is coffee during dinner. As long as I don't gain the forsaken freshman 15, it's all good. Flash forward to now: Hmmm. the salad or French fries for dinner? Should I drink this coffee? I do have a lot of work and could use the boost. But, It might be too much for so late. Oh, I know! I'll just drink a coke instead. As long as I don't gain the freshman thirty, it's fine. When I get back to the dorm my roommate yells, "Em, stop drinking caffeine so late at night!"
4. Laundry
Still haven't done it and running low on tops. Stupid adulthood.