My parents never found it necessary to mold me into anything that they wanted me to be. Aside from wanting me to grow into an intelligent, kind-hearted person, my parents let me be who I wanted to be. They really let me plant my own seed and flourish into the young adult that I am. Some might judge me, my family, and their lenient parenting style. As for me, however, I am so thankful.
The majority of my life was spent growing up in a town where everyone lived with the same morals. While I share some of these morals, they're mine because I chose for them to be, not because they were force-fed down my throat. If this isn't how you were raised, I understand, but I am also sorry.
I don't think I would be as open minded and comfortable in my own skin if it weren't for my parents. The first memory I have of my them really letting me be myself is when, at maybe four, I got to dress myself for dinner. Despite how embarrassed my brother, who was probably fourteen, was, I went out with my family in a Cinderella dress, plastic heels and all. The idea of forming my own thoughts, beliefs, and personal traits let me be me instead of a carbon copy of my mom or dad. Admittedly, I am just like my father. I have squinty blue eyes and love all things vintage and antique. In ways, I am also just like my mother. We don't look a lot alike, aside from our stature, but we most definitely share the same humor.
With this being said, thank you, mom and dad. Thank you for raising three children who are all unique in their own ways and do things all differently. Thank you for growing a family that is diverse and accepting. Thank you for never making me feel like I had to live up to any kind of phony standard or in a box. Thank you for raising me as who I wanted to be.