Not everyone is lucky enough to have two parents who stay together, or even two parents who support you in your life's endeavors. Single parents deserve a lot of respect for making ends meet, while still maintaining a constant presence in their children's lives. My mother is one of those parents who always makes sure her kids are happy and never puts herself first. She has always been my role model and personal advocate. Even though I can't say the same thing about my father, I am more than thankful to be able to say it about my brother.
I was that annoying little sister who followed my brother around constantly. Whatever he was doing and whomever he was doing it with, I wanted to be there. This required me to play tackle football and video games, but I didn't care. He played soccer with me for an absurd amount of hours, never letting me win. Instead, he pushed me to play better and run faster. Whenever I got in trouble, I would lie and say "Stephen did it." He took the blame for it every time, too. Despite me being a brat, he never said I wasn't allowed to hangout with him and his friends. He was always a friend to me even if I was cruel to him. He also never acted like he was too cool for me, even though he definitely was, and still is.
Everyone knew who my brother was and that I was his sister. No one ever seemed to have anything bad to say about my brother, either. I was so happy about this, until I got to high school and wanted to talk to boys. Oh, you're Stephen's sister? Sorry, can't talk to you. Everyone was afraid of disrespecting me and the repercussions my brother would bestow upon them if they did. Not only did he scare boys away, but he taught me what kind of boys to like. He made me realize that certain guys are only after one thing. I learned to like guys who liked my mind and character, instead of just my ass. He was always adamant about me being who I am and not worrying about what anyone has to say about it, especially boys. The right person will love you no matter how sarcastic and loud-mouthed you are.
Not only did he tell me whom to like, but he also showed me how a man is supposed to treat a woman. Never has he ever disrespected me or my mother. He always made sure duties like mowing the lawn and taking out the trash were done. He was the man of the house and he acted like it. His loyalty towards my mother is almost unfathomable. Never have I ever seen a love so genuine. It's not like the momma's boy love that you see in the movies. My brother doesn't depend on her, he protects her. My mother isn't allowed to date because no men meet his standards. His Italian glare burns through any man that attempts to talk to her. Whenever I would fight with my mom, I could feel him looking at me with those same eyes. It didn't matter if I was actually right because she was my mother and I was supposed to listen to her anyway. He puts my mother on a pedestal, but I put him on one.
I put him on a pedestal not because he's infallible, but because he can admit his mistakes. Through his mistakes and his triumphs he has lead me to where I am today: a tough, well-mannered, dignified, collegiate athlete. He let me learn from his mistakes, while proving to me that the world doesn't define you; you define yourself. I wouldn't say not having an involved father is a loss. I might have never gained a sibling quite like him if the circumstances were different. Thank you for being the best man I've ever met and probably will ever meet. I love you, Stefano.
With love,