As students, our favorite habits are procrastinating, watching Netflix, ordering takeouts, and music. If anything binds us all, it's Music. Soulful, Rap, Classical, Retro, you name the genre. It affects us.
Now, what are some common genres students listen to and the moods associated with them? To be fair, there are so many genres to list; this would probably go on forever. But, college students pretty much have a choice to go for with every mood that settles in. We are or can get quite moody at times. So, why not make a nice playlist for each mood?
Rap: Your basic everyday jam, regardless, especially if you are hurt there are some very good songs out there to get the "feels."
Instrumental: Highly effective in motivating. Brings a sense of liberty and surrounds, especially with those epic instrumentals nowadays.
Romantic: Again, a rather everyday jam, but if you are in love, or feel like falling in love, this is your go to. All those Ed Sheeran songs really make me tear up and all lovey-dovey.
Jazz: Smooth, chill, especially for those who like jazz. Not many people I know understand the importance of jazz as a genre and as a historical genre.
Country: Soulful, blissful, energetic music that brings upon a weird but uplifting feeling. But, also depends on the song and what exam you failed.
Disco: Never going out of style type of music. It's a rarity these days to hear real disco music but back in the days, disco music was as prevalent as ketchup on fries.
But, now might be a good time to sit down and make a fall/Christmas playlist. It's going to come handy soon!!!