Hydration is an essential part in obtaining a functional body. The human body is made up of about 55-65% water. However, because of the activity that we put our bodies through daily, we need to possess enough water to keep our bodies from breaking down!
Studies suggest that the average person should drink about a half gallon of water a day. Because of sweat and other bodily functions, we need to keep up with the water our bodies give off daily. However, it is also smart to divide your body weight in half in order to figure out how many ounces you should be drinking!
A half a gallon seems like a lot of water, especially for those who do not particularly like drinking water! However, think of it as 8 cups a day. Always have a cup of water when you wake up to get your bodies ready for the day. Always drink a cup when having a meal, to help flush the nutrients that you are obtaining into your body. Having a cup between meals is a good idea too! NEVER go to bed without drinking a cup before hand. Think of it this way, if you sleep on average about 7-8 hours a night, would you go 8 hours throughout the day without drinking anything?! Not drinking water before bed is the same concept. We should not leave our bodies with such little water for a long period of time.
Now for those of you who do more activity in your day, a half a gallon is not sufficient!
Whether you're working out, playing a sport, on your feet all day long at work, or doing anything more than the average person, you need to be drinking more! For every hour that you're doing any extra activity, try and consume at least an extra cup or two!
Hydration is just as important as the food that you eat every day! So don't forget to drink, drink, drink!!!