Now I know no guy wants to hear he can be doing better as a partner, but face it guys a lot of us come up short on our end of the stick for whatever reason. Health issues, long days at work, or just what we were taught guys should act like as kids. In reality, being a life partner is a lot of responsibility and hard work, as much as we would want it to be all just pleasure.
One of the easiest ways to keep on your other half’s good side is to put the toilet seat down after using the bathroom. It’s polite and not hard to do. If you must, count it as exercise. Another simple way to have a happy and loving partner is to listen to what they say legitimately. Not just the nod and pretend to be listening like I know some of you guys out there do. Then get caught when a point is brought up from when you were supposed to have been listening. You know if you actually listened you might have a good conversation. Ooooooo scary thing. Give it a chance you could find you enjoy it more than you think.
For crying out loud, you can help out with snacks for the big game. It’s only going to take a couple seconds and it won’t kill you. I know we all fear missing that historic game moment but the odds of it happening are astronomic. You have a better chance of getting hit by a bus on the way to work probably. Even if you do miss it, everyone will be talking about how they were at your house for it. Better yet, you can help get snacks out before the game.
Now I am coming back to that scary conversation thing in a sense but, help with the dishes. If she is washing them, go out and dry them and put them away. This will help you stop asking where everything is and is a good time for a conversation. It might help you learn things you can pick up on the way home from work to help out around the house as well. Like I don’t know maybe the milk that is always running out.
Yes, I am going to bring this full circle into the bedroom as well. Guys you should always show affection in bed and not just when you want sex. Cuddling is always a good thing as well. As much as Homer Simpson makes it look like you can stay out at the bars all night and have a happy at home life, that is not how it works in the real world.
Guys, despite what some of you might think when you have a partner in life it is not all fun and games. You don’t get a maid that does everything for you and is a sex doll when you are in the mood to put it bluntly. We are talking about another living breathing human being. Well unless you did some sort of science experiment or went to Area 51 and kidnapped something. You get the general idea.
Your partner needs attention and affection just like you do. As well as help around the house. They shouldn’t be expected to do it all. Treat them with the same respect in front of your friends as you do in private. Stop thinking with jock straps and start thinking with hearts and brains like genuine human beings. Now you can either learn from this or go wash it away with some beer and useless videos. The choice is yours. *Tips his hat and walks out the door*.