How I Met Your Mother Trivia | The Odyssey Online
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How I Met Your Mother Trivia

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How I Met Your Mother Trivia

How well do you know the How I Met Your Mother gang?? Find out now!

1. Who was the bartender who died and they didn't know who it was?

2. What does Ted not tell Robin while meeting James (Barney's Brother)?

3. What did Lily dress as while pregnant with Daisy?

4. What was the name of Robin Sparkle's co-host while on the TV show Space Teens?

5. What did Robin fall in while taking a bet from Barney?

6. What game did the Erickson brothers create?

7. What college did Ted, Lily and Marshall attend?

8.What is Marvin Erickson's first memory?

9. What does the green door'ed best burger in new york restaurant get replaced with?

10. What is Marvin's (Lily and Marshall's son) middle name?

11. What does Lily suggest doing when Marshall finds out about her credit card debt?

12. What does Dowisetrepla stand for?

13. Since when as Ted been vomit free?

14. How long was Ted's first date with Stella?

15. Name each of the character's doppelgangers

16. What German word does Klaus use to describe why Victoria and him weren't good together?

17. What's Tracy's boyfriend's name and what does he give her as a birthday gift?

18. What 3 ingredients were in Tracy's cookies?

19. What is the first drink Tracy buys for Ted?

20. What is Robin looking for at Central Park and why does it mean a lot?


  1. Mark
  2. He's black
  3. The White Whale
  4. Jessica Glitter
  5. Horse Poop
  6. Baskiceball
  7. Wesleyan
  8. Fireworks after the bus they are on (to the wedding) breaks down
  9. Goliath National Bank ATM
  10. Wait-For-It
  11. Divorce so his credit is clean
  12. Down Wind of the Sewage Treatment Plant
  13. Since 93
  14. 2 minutes
  15. Lesbian Robin, Moustache Marshall, Stripper Lily, Mexican Wrestler Ted, and Fertility Doctor Barney.
  16. Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz "Life Long Destiny"
  17. Max and a ukulele
  18. Chocolate, Peanutbutter and Caramel
  19. Glen McKenna 35
  20. A necklace she buried years ago and it was a locked passed down to her from her grandmother. The locket was going to be her "something old" and she felt like her losing it was a bad omen for her and Barney's wedding
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