Through nine amazing seasons, How I Met Your Mother not only left you in stitches from laughing so hard, but always provided its viewers with insight and perspective about life. HIMYM was not just a comedy, it was so much more than that. In my opinion these ten quotes inspire you to be something more.
1. "Make every night legendary" -Barney
While the meaning of legendary for Barney Stinson might be a bit different than yours, the message still stands. What's important is to remember that every day and every night is a fresh start, so make every moment count and make as many memories as you possible can. Because as cliche as it might be, you do only live once.
2. "That's life you know, we never end up where we thought we'd be." -Marshall
Almost everyone has a plan or an idea of what we think our lives should be, and where we will be in five years. But the truth of the matter is that no one can predict where life will take us. We all walk our own path and have our own journey. So even if five years go by and we are no where near where we thought we would be, it doesn't make the journey any less important, so embrace it.
3. “Shouldn't we hold out for the person who doesn't just tolerate our little quirks, but actually kind of likes them?”-Ted
Relationships are hard, and sometimes they require you to compromise. But you should never compromise yourself. Never change who you are to fit someone else's mold. Because eventually you will find someone who will come to know everything about you and love every piece. So never settle for someone who wants you to be anything but yourself.
4. “Because sometimes, even if you know how something's gonna end, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride.” -Ted
Endings are built into everything. It's an inevitability. But just because the ending is there, looming in the distant future is no excuse to not live in the moment. Because those moments, those are what are going to matter. You won't focus on the ending, you'll remember the string of moments and memories that got you to that point.
5. "If your not scared, your not taking a chance. And if your not taking a chance then what the hell are you doing?" -Ted
Taking chances can be the most important part of your life sometimes. So if you don't take the chance, take the opportunity to try something different, to be something more than what is the point? Taking a chance makes life exciting, it makes it special and something to remember. So take the chance even if it's scary, because it could change your life. So what do you really have to lose?
6. "I know that you are tired of waiting, and you may have to wait a little while more, but she's on her way, Ted. And she's getting here as fast as she can." -Stella
And once again, relationships are hard. And the more times you get beaten down by them, the easier it becomes to give up, to stop believing in soul mates and to stop hoping that the person for you will ever show up. When those moments come, remember that life may seem random and frustrating but there's a reason for everything. So be patient and trust that things will work out the way that they are supposed to, because they always do. You'll find someone that made the wait worth it.
7. “You may think your only choices are to swallow your anger or throw it in someone’s face. There’s a third option: you can just let it go.”-Ted
Anger is like a disease. It infects every pore and every piece of your soul. It's an emotion we can feel so intensely it's like being on fire, and if your not careful it will consume you. Most people think the only way to expel that feeling is to confront the source, but that's not true. You can let it go without burying it within you and creating a grudge. Because anger has no point, it does nothing to improve any situation. It will solve nothing. So let it go and learn to forgive people, because we all make mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.
8. "The littlest things can cause a ripple effect that change you life." -Ted
Life is accumulation of little moments. It's the little things that makes life big. Every small moment, every passing act of kindness can become something so much more. One smile towards a stranger can change their whole day. So always be kind and optimistic because as little as one act may seem, it can actually become who you are, and help you realize what's important in your life. You are your actions, no matter how small, so make them count
9. “You can't cling to the past, because no matter how tightly you hold on, it's already gone.” -Ted
The past has a way of sitting in you like a stone. It drags you down because its out of your control, its something you can no longer change and for some reason, instead of liberating us that feeling traps us in like a fence, keeping us from living our lives. But the only direction we can go is forward. The past is behind you and constantly focusing on it will only suffocate you. So look ahead and walk forward, because you can not change the past, but you can live a better future.
10. "Love is the best thing we do." -Ted
This quote holds a special place in my heart. Love is the best thing we do. The ability to feel something with such passion is unique and beautiful. Love for a parent, a sibling, a friend, a significant other, it all makes life worth living and connects us to something so much bigger than ourselves. Loving others is the best thing about us and it is without a doubt the best thing we can do for another person and ourselves. Ted Mosby had a lot of beautiful things to say, but this was by far the best truth he has ever told over all nine season. So remember to love others and to love yourself, open your heart to those around you because it's the best thing we do.