One thing that is challenging for most people to realize is their own self-worth. I know from my own personal experiences that we often feel like we are not capable, not prepared, and not qualified enough to accomplish our goals.
I'm here to first tell you that you are very capable of achieving your goals. No matter what they are, you can do it. I'm sure you hear this a lot, but that's because it's true. If you really want something, the more you believe and work at it, you will achieve it. It may take time, but it will come.
So, now that we've covered that, here are some tips to show everyone else how capable, prepared, and qualified you really are
1. Keep Your Goals in Mind
One thing that helps me know who I am is what goals I have. I often define myself (often too harshly, oops!) on my accomplishments. If you know what your goals in life are, you know a lot about yourself. Let that be what people see when they see you, what you've accomplished and what you plan to!
2. Access What Great Qualities You Have
It doesn't matter what you do or who you are, there is something great about you. It could be something that seems as small as being a good listener. That is a fantastic quality that some people don't have and want to. Remind yourself of the things that make you great!
3.Access What Qualities You Need to Work On
Along with what makes us great, there are some things that make us not so great. They key to assessing your bad qualities is not to obsess on how bad they are. Instead focus on how you can improve them. If you're a procrastinator, try setting a timer when you have something that needs to get done. That's much more productive than just dwelling on your imperfections
4. Show Confidence!
One of the most important things to marketing yourself is to be confident! If you are confident in who you are, it shows. If you are unsure about who you are, it shows. Be confident in your skills, abilities, and qualities. If you don't take yourself seriously, who will?
5. Know What is Important To You
Lastly, you need to know what is important to you. What things do you value as a person? If you know what matters most whether it be family, friends, career, or whatever, that will show within the things you do.
These tips involve a little self-reflection. You may need to take some time to really figure out what you want to project about yourself. But once you do, you can properly market yourself!
Originally Posted on According to Brittney