How many more greek students are going to die before we do anything about it?
How many lives does the USA think it’s worth?
Our drinking culture is already messed up. We need more education on it, but we also need a new drinking age.
What is 21?
We are sending young adults the wrong signal. Many times, we have seen memes about, “You can join the Army at 18 and give up your life, but you can’t drink until 21?" Then, there is a chance you can die before ‘technically’ drinking alcohol. Which also, does not happen often. You can buy a house, even get married, but on your wedding, you can’t sip beer?
Please, tell me, what else can't I do until then?
When you are 18 and you drink and get caught, there are no real consequences.
Sure you get grounded, and your parents are disappointed, and you might get in trouble with your school. But nothing too serious. On the other hand, if you are shawsted and caught at 21, you're in deep shit. You will most likely end the night in jail or something. How is this fair? When we are finally able to drink, (21), we will be in more trouble than if we are younger. A person that actually waits until 21 to consume alcohol will have no idea what they are doing.
Their life can actually spin out of control. Of course, that's their problem and not the drinking legal age, at all.
I drank for the first time my last year in high school during spring break, and I felt so sick the next day I promised myself that I WOULD NEVER DRINK AGAIN! Obviously, that was a big fat lie. I puked my brains out three more times before learning how to 'drink' properly.
And compared to my friends, I started drinking "late."
Now here is the truth: During Reagan's presidency, he passed an act that if states did not make the legal drinking age to 21, that state would lose 10 percent of federal funding towards highway state money. We can't drink, because highways. Who is this law protecting? Probably covering some scandal or something ridiculous; because what else could people drinking above 21 have anything to do with state highway money?
Maybe, we don’t know how to drink because we are not allowed to.
Maybe this legal age worked before, but it’s 2017. A new era. Sending memes is the new way of flirting, Blockbuster is bankrupt, eating kale is cooler than Mickey D's, and Polaroids are coming back. A new pledge class is coming next year, how many of those kids' parents are going to be called to inform them of an overdose?
Most of the drinking cases that result in death are so gruesome, and mostly not reported because it is illegal to drink unless 21. Most greek deaths relate to alcohol, and are not reported because people do not want to get caught. I know I am 20, and I personally benefit from this, but if it could also save lives, why not? Although alcohol is not the only blame, it is the main blame.
College without drinking? That's a funny joke.