To be honest, I have a lot of friends. Wait, that didn’t come out right. I have a lot of people I care about. However, the thing about that statement is, they care about me too... a lot. This puts a lot of pressure on me. That being said, I don’t mind the pressure. My friends make me who I am. They make me better and support me and encourage me and give me the type of strength that every girl needs to get through her mid-twenties.
Every time I’m having a hard week or going through something tough or something good happens to me, I am blown away by how supportive my friends can be. How many people can say they have at least 5 people having their back through everything? How many people can say they have made and kept a new best friend from kindergarten, 6th grade, 9th grade, and every single year in college?
Sometimes, it’s stressful having that many best friends. I saw a picture once of a group of bridesmaids and the caption was asking how anyone could have that many friends when they don’t even like that many people.
(Okay, this is hilarious because of the Grinch quote)
Yes, it’s difficult to continue to help out and make that many people happy. But I’m happy to do that because of what I get in return. Not a birthday gift every year (even though all of my girls somehow know exactly what to get me each year) but continuous love and support in every single endeavor. I always seem to get annoyed by huge Facebook posts from people bragging about every single compliment they’ve ever received or little triumph they’ve made.
I've recently realized that I get annoyed by these posts because when something good happens to me, I first text my mom and then I text my best friends. They are my cheerleaders, my rocks, my defenders, my moms, my soul mates and my heart. My girls are some of the biggest reasons that I get out of bed many times. Being a highly emotional human being, there have been days where I physically cannot leave my house. Each and every one of my best friends’ has played a part in getting me out of bed and helping me live my life. I’m grateful and forever thankful for them and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Who says you can only have one best friend?