In a world where everyone is constantly on the go with their daily responsibilities at work or school, we live a fast-paced and stressful lifestyle. We are surrounded by things that trigger stress: exams, assignments due dates, grades, relationships, work...the list goes on. Everyone deals with stress in different ways and it often has a big impact on our lives. Being a college student-athlete with a job, I can relate to how many people feel when they say they are stressed. Whether it's a small or large amount of stress, it can greatly impact your overall health and daily life. Try to monitor and be aware of your stress so it doesn't get too overwhelming. In between study sessions and all of the other things I do on a daily basis, I have found a number of things that help me cope with stress.
1.) Play your favorite sport
When relieving stress, my go to is getting active. My favorite sport to play is volleyball. Since I play in college, it is easy for me to get my daily dose of playing for a couple hours at a time each day especially in the fall when we are in season. As soon as I start to get ready for practice or a game, I don't think about anything else. It's like as soon as I step on the court, everything I am stressed about flushes out of my mind and the only thing I think about is playing. It's a perfect distraction because I get to have fun and do something I love at the same time. I also owe a huge thank you to my teammates because they make it competitive and enjoyable. If you're not part of a team, it's easy to gather up a handful of friends to play basketball, football, or whichever sport you prefer. Plus, you'll get a good work out in and you'll feel much better afterwards.
2.) Exercise
Scientifically, exercise is great for your brain because it stimulates the release of endorphins which react with receptors in your brain and reduces your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling throughout the body, so it's essentially your body's natural "feel good" drug. Running or going to the gym to lift some weights is a great way to blow off some steam and reduce stress levels. Also, it's a great way to get that summer body you've been wanting. If you're not in to either of those things, a walk outside will help with stress too. You get a breath of fresh air and gives you some alone time. If you don't want to be alone, ask a friend to join you. A walk around the block is a perfect opportunity to talk or catch up with a friend. In addition, you get a chance to see all of the beautiful nature. Anything you can do to get your body moving will make you feel less stressed out.
3.) Dance or sing to your favorite songs
Dancing and singing with your friends or roommates is a great way to really relieve some stress because you can let out all the emotion you want with the craziest dance moves and the loudest singing you can possibly do. Jump on the couches or stand on top of the table screaming out the lyrics to Taylor Swift with your best friend. I promise, it'll help.
4.) Take a shower
Better yet, bring a speaker in the bathroom with you and play your favorite songs while taking a shower. Personally, I love listening to music while showering. It makes the process a lot more fun and relaxing. Sing your heart out; who cares if you can't sing like Beyonce or any other vocal powerhouse. In the end, you'll feel better and you're feel clean and refreshed. You'll be ready to tackle anything life throws at you.
5.) Call a family member you haven't talked to in a while
I try to stay in contact with my family as much as I can but with a busy schedule, I often lose track of time. Sometimes I will call my grandparents just to say hi and ask how they are doing, and most of the time the conversation will last about 10 minutes because we talk about all of the crazy things going on in our lives. It's always good to hear from my grandparents; I always think about the times when I was younger and I would be at my grandma's house playing in the backyard, watching Disney movies, or baking yummy cookies with her. Reminiscing over old memories gives me a sense of happiness and it takes away some of the pressure from daily life. It also makes you realize how fast the time goes by so don't waste the majority of it stressing out; take a deep breath and do the best you can.
6.) Color
A few months back, I went to Wal-Mart and bought a Color For Creativity coloring book for about $10. It's like a coloring book for adults and it has a wide variety of patterns and designs. Coloring helps me feel less stressed because there is no right or wrong can unleash your creativity and pick whatever colors you want and make things look however you want them to. When you're finished, you'll have a beautiful and unique picture to look at.
7.) Hang out with your best friend(s)
I talk to my best friends almost every day. With all of our work schedules, it has been hard to see each other lately but I always feel better when I am with them.We have a lot of laughs together and create a lot of new memories and by the end of the night, I don't feel as stressed as I was before. Talking to them or hanging out with them may also make you realize that they are stressed about the same things. It is a lot easier to get through challenging times when you have someone else to help you through it.
Next time you feel stressed out about something, try one or all of these things on the list. Normally, they help me out a lot! After I do one of the activities listed above, I feel better and I can resume studying or doing whatever it was before without feeling so stressed out. Help yourself out once in a while and take a quick break - give yourself some time to regroup and refocus. Managing your stress will help you live a happier and healthier life. Just make sure you get back to doing your work once your done; procrastination is often the main causes of stress. Once your homework is done, you have the rest of your time to do whatever you want!