I love the world I live in. I do. But I'm sure all of us could say that we'd still like to see some change in what we're seeing today. From the news to even our own observations, it is clear that there are improvements that need to be made. Both in the way we treat our planet and the way we treat one another. This change, my friend, starts with you.
Here is a list I made of just a few simple things that you can easily incorporate into your daily life to help initiate these changes, and through a ripple effect, make the world a better place overall. As the legendary Michael Jackson sang, "if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change."
1. Compliment a stranger
2. Throw away any litter you see, even if it's not yours
3. Take the time during your coffee run to ask your barista how their morning was
4. Be patient with others and yourself
5. Bring your own reusable bags when grocery shopping
6. Demonstrate kindness when it comes to the homeless
7. Ask your family, friends or coworkers what you can do for them
8. Send an actual letter to someone who means a lot to you and tell them why
9. Conserve — try to use less water, less paper, and drive less
10. Call your mom when you can just to tell her you love her
11. Don’t text and drive (please)
12. Try not to attach labels to people, especially people you don’t truly know
13. Respect nature and the other living things that we share this planet with
14. Donate — clothes, shoes, blood, books, backpacks, toys, etc.
15. Listen to others and honor their opinions
16. Take the easy extra step to recycle
17. Let someone else have your seat on the bus
18. Appreciate the diversity that surrounds you and be curious about other cultures
19. Volunteer
20. Stand up against bullies, whether they're your's or someone else's
21. Foster or adopt an animal
22. Be humble
At the end of the day, we are all just human beings trying to make it in the same world.