Getting ready to start college can be so stressful. From getting all the things you need for your dorm, to making sure you pick the right classes, you also worry about all the little things in between when you're actually all moved in. Like making friends, managing your time, and how to balance a social life while still focusing on academics. Here's a list of a few things you can do to help make the most out of your college experience and make the best out of some of the greatest years of your life.
1. Talk to people!
Freshman year, everyone is in the same boat as you. Everyone is looking to make friends, and everyone is going through the same thing! It's important to keep an open mind. Think of this time as a brand new start! Orientation and move in day is a good time to introduce yourself. While moving all of your stuff in, leave your door open and say hey to your neighbors! Since you'll probably be living next to each other the whole semester, they may become some of your really great friends.
2. Join a club or two.
While adjusting to the college life, balancing academics and a social life is really tough. However between classes, studying, and when you're not hanging out with your friends, you'll find a lot of free time on your hands. Take advantage of it! Go to the club fair and check out some of the things you may be interested in taking part of. It's a great way to build your resume, gain experience outside of the classroom and also make a ton of friends who are into the same things that you are!
3. Utilize the campus!
Once you find yourself setting aside time to study, you may start to realize the environments in which you are able to focus more than others. Locking yourself in your room could work, but also try to utilize study area on campus! The library is a really good and quiet option to do so. As well as some place in an academic building or even Starbucks. If you're one to do well when studying with others, study groups are also really great. If you prefer to be alone and isolated in order to focus more, finding a spot where you are comfortable and centered can be really helpful when coping with stress as well.
4. Put 100% into everything you do
Your future self will thank you for it! There's nothing wrong with putting passion into your life. College is about finding more about who you are, so do not be afraid to be yourself. It'll make it so much more enjoyable! Although it is not always going to be a walk in the park, be sure to have fun and really embrace the investment that you are making.