My question is this: How? How are we supposed to love ourselves? How are we supposed to walk out into this cruel and judgmental world and be confident with who we are? Everywhere we go there is always a constant reminder of how we aren’t good enough.
In some aspect of life, we are less than what we are expected to be. If we are smart, then we are nowhere near pretty enough. If we are funny, then we are nowhere near caring enough. If we are honest, then we are nowhere near selfless enough. When will who we are, with all of our strengths and flaws, simply be enough? It becomes even worse when not only is the entire world telling you that you don’t measure up, but you are physically fighting with yourself.
Somewhere along the way, you became your own worst enemy. Somewhere throughout your life, you stopped caring about yourself. You let the world get inside of your head. And now, even if for a split second, the negative comments of the world are silent, you will continue to put yourself down. You will continue to bash yourself, to fight with yourself, and to pull yourself apart, until finally there is nothing left. You are small. You are broken. And even if suddenly everyone were to start telling you that you were worthy, you no longer love yourself. But you have to find a way. You need to somehow rewind time in your head.
Try to remember what it was like when you were five, and loving yourself was just instinctual. Close your eyes and think, who do I want to be? And then be that person. And maybe, eventually, one day, you will realize that you are a person worth loving. Self-love isn’t about not having any insecurities. Instead, it is about accepting your flaws as a part of you, but also realizing that they do not define you. Loving yourself may sound like a stupid concept, but you are the only person that you can count on for the rest of your life. You are the only person that you can never escape from. You need to be there for you. More importantly, you need to be happy for you. You need to allow yourself to be happy. With happiness, comes life. And with life, comes a journey. I can only hope that you will take this journey and realize that you deserve to be on it.