In the past, I used to have a serious weight problem. Living with obesity most my life, I know what it's like to live constantly embarrassed (I seriously respect those who love themselves no matter how they look.) I remember I would try to hide myself from the world, only leaving my house for school. It hadn't changed until senior year of high school, when I decided to join the school's football team. Six months after football, I lost 70lbs. Here's how I did it:
1) Give Up Junk Food
This was the hardest part of dieting. It was extremely difficult to give up sweets and sugar, but with enough dedication, it is possible. I would recommend getting rid of junk in the house, and never buying more! Although you may still experience cravings, you won't be tempted to open your sweet cabinet to grab a snack. Now, whenever I want a little snack, I subconsciously reach for fruit.
2) Be Active
I went from sitting on my butt all day to regularly going to the gym every day. If you are not willing to spend money for a gym membership, or aren't fortunate enough to have one nearby, go for a jog. Walk your dog, do pushups, stay active. Make sure your body is doing more than just sitting on the couch. Try to break a sweat.
3) No Fried Food
If I have the option of grilled food or fried food, I'd choose grilled every time. Fried food, such as the french fries and fried chicken we all love, is not good for you. Try to stay away as much as possible. In addition to fried food, avoid any type of fast food. I went 6 months without having fast food and saw myself melting and getting thinner.
4) No Salt
To this day, I tend to consume as less sodium as possible. Salt, although delicious on most foods, can be very dangerous when it comes to gaining weight.
5) Stay Dedicated
Without dedication, dieting will not work. People say the occasional cheat day won't hurt. I disagree. Focus on dieting, not the next cheat day. After all, cheat days will not eliminate those bad eating habits, they only make the craving bigger, leading to cheat days rather than one. For example, after 6 months without a drop of soda, I found myself hating the taste of soda. I only drink water, and to tell you the truth, I couldn't be happier.