Becoming thin doesn’t result in automatic happiness. The journey to weight loss is long and strenuous and many factors come into play. I made big changes. I got sick of looking at my fat self in the mirror dissatisfied with my poor life choices and decided to make a change. A change for a better, healthier me. I lost fifty pounds in two months and although it wasn’t easy, every drop of blood, sweat, and tears was completely worth it. By working out and changing your eating habits, your life can do a complete one-eighty.
Once I shed those pounds it wasn’t about the goal weight for me. It was about maintaining a healthy lifestyle for years to come. I stopped caring about the number on the scale and started thinking logically. Healthy living has no finish line. It isn’t about gaining or losing a pound here and there. It is about the bigger picture. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the foods I am putting in my mouth today? Nobody is going to change your life for you. You must take the bull by its horns and create your own destiny.
If your primary goal is weight loss, then after you lose those pounds you will have no idea what to do with yourself after that is accomplished. I promise you that after that weight is lost you will feel invincible. I accomplished something I never thought was possible and with a mindset like such you can conquer the world. My mindset on life had completely changed from that day on. My drive and determination flourished and to this day I believe anything is possible. It’s all mental.
No matter your size, small or large, tall or short, we all have our own challenges. Being thin won’t automatically make you a happier person. You need to learn to love yourself and love who you are. If the only goal you have is to lose weight then you might end up losing weight and realizing that your life still isn’t the life you want for yourself. Your weight is not the only thing that influences your happiness.
I know to this day, five years later, that those pounds may be gone but the fear of gaining them back still lingers in my mind every time I reach for a dessert. Healthy living doesn't mean only eating vegetables for the rest of your life, but learning about moderation and nutrition. You may notice that people will act strangely nicer to you after you lose weight. Appreciate these new found compliments, but don’t forget to remember those who stuck by your side through the hard times. If there is one thing I learned in life it is learn to move on. It is okay to move on from people who hold you back or bring you down. You don’t need people like that in your life.
Start out small and get big. Slowly cut out those bad foods in your diet. Maybe first start by not eating chips. Then work your way into more things like substituting soda with water. This goes for workouts as well. Nobody expects you to go out and run a marathon right away. Start off with running perhaps a mile and work your way into it. Limits like fears are often just an illusion. Go out and make the world yours!