Everyone has had that one pet that you cannot wait to come home and see. Or if you are not on the better side of the spectrum, the pet that you did not want to come home and see because you know how dastardly they were going to be. Regardless of the side that you are on, it is hard to picture what life would be like without them right?
Picture it, no more coming home to the eager pet waiting by the window or the door, no more coming to noises or racket, now you are home with a house of dead silence. You call them and they no longer come. Those have to be the saddest moments in the world.
Personally, my annoying little racket was a kitten named Diablo. He in fact was a little devil, but to me he was different. He was my best friend. He kept me company through all the stuff I went through. When we got another kitten named Nelly, he was not happy, I mean I would not be happy if he got another human, but soon enough they were inseparable. My favorite part of the day was knowing I was coming home to them, because there was always something to come home too.
Eventually though I had no choice but to give them both up. It hurt me a lot as silly as it sounds. But losing a pet, even if it is not to death is not an easy ordeal. Eventually they become part of your family, like a baby or a sibling. I am sure that all of you have experienced this in a more severe or less severe instance, and if you have not then I hope that you never will have to.
As time continues to go on, it does become more and more easy to deal with, but you will always have those memories in the back for your head and that little part of you that misses them and the little part that may regret that you had to give them up. It’s like a what if thought, and the only way to get rid of it is to just remember that now they are in a great home regardless of the hardships that you and your furry little friend had to go through. It will eventually turn into a thought of piece.
Even you guys with the crazy pets that you think you will never miss will go through this. One day there will be nothing for you to be mad at, or no mess waiting for you when you get home. Regardless if the thought was only for an instance, it will be one of the saddest. Life with animals and pets can be wonderful, it can be annoying, and it can be painful. It also can only be what you make it. Good luck to anyone that has to go through this, I know how it feels to lose a furry best friend.