Break-ups suck most of the time. I was hurt and devastated for a longtime and realized that just because he left doesn't mean he wont come back, doesn't mean we cant just be friends (which most of the time never works out) and it most importantly doesn't mean its the end of the world.
I thought I had it all figured out, I thought that since we were together for a very long time that we would be together forever. Never think that. Ever. People change over time whether we like it or not. Just in my case changing wasn't the only thing wrong with the relationship and how it came to an end, it was him and I both realizing that we just wouldn't work out. It was a real heartbreak realizing that you wouldn't be able to talk and see the same person like you did when you were together.
I began to slack around and not be as active as i once was. I started to think that I would never recover and little did I know I was thinking and acting different. I never thought a break-up would change me.
I realized that I needed to get out more, do stuff i've never done. I started going on runs, making straight A's (I made A's and B's before this) seeing and meeting my friends and new friends, I went out to dinner with family. I honestly have never felt more free or alive than i do now. I've decided that they single life is the way of life. Now life has it's up and downs but that doesn't mean you wont have good things come out of it.
Heart-to-heart I would say, it's gonna be hard the first few months and you're going to want to talk to them and you're going to miss them, but whatever you don't call. I saw this quote and it says, "Just give him three days. Wait three days, no texts, no calls, no nothing. Then see if he comes back" "What if I can't wait three days though??" "You see the thing is, you keep running back to him and gets off on it. He knows he's gonna have you coming back to him. Why not give him three days and realize, oh shoot it's serious, I'm really losing her!" "What if he doesn't even come back?" "Then why would you wanna be with someone that doesn't want you? Why would you wanna be with someone that like that?"
Now some of you might think thats not true but I did wait three days, he never came back and I think after that I realized he probably was never going to come back and he never did. It hurts, trust me it hurts so bad. So I hope to make another article soon that will be a letter, so keep close!