Going away to college is an exciting time, but it can be hard when you go to school away from your family and friends. Sometimes, we have to think about how we're going to maintain these bonds that we've made over the years. Will it ever be the same? Will we have time for each other? However, I don't believe that it has to be this way. Here are a few things you can do to help keep your friendships intact, even when you can't see each other every day anymore.
1. Pick up the phone and call them
This one may seem to be the most obvious, but sometimes when you've let time go by without contacting them, this could very well be one of the hardest things to do! Sometimes you think that the other person is busy or you yourself are so busy that you forget to check in every now and then. Sometimes, just calling them, even if only for a few minutes, can be the best thing you do. Checking in on their life while updating them on yours can help you still feel like you're in each other's lives. You don't have to call every day, but every once in a while can help you both feel good know that the other person is still there.
2. Skype/Facetime
This one goes along with calling, but is a bit different in that this will not only allow you to hear them, but see them as well! Some don't do well with just calling, but sometimes seeing the other person can make you feel closer to them. You can see their expressions from the stories that you'll share back and forth and it's almost like you're in the same room!
3. Text
Don't let the distance stop you from informing your friend about what's going on! As with the previous two, just letting your friend know what's going on with you and vice-versa can make it seem like you never even left! I know that I love getting random texts from my friends at different universities or places. I also love sending them and laughing with my friends over what just happened. It's, I believe, the quickest and simplest way to stay connected.
4. Send them something!
Sometimes, anything like a letter, a photo or a little trinket that made them think of you can mean so much. It doesn't have to be the most expensive or elaborate thing in the world, but sometimes sending someone something that made you think of them, can make their day and keep a constant flow of communication back and forth.
5. Make plans
Make plans to both watch a movie via Skype, play a video game, or even to meet up if possible. Maybe you guys could spend Fall Break or Spring Break together. This is very similar to the tips before, but has a lot more of the element of doing something with them that you probably did before. This can make the distance not seem as far away and can really help both of you feel better with the new changes, know that the other is still there.
There you have it! Those were five tips on how to maintain a long distance friendship. College can be fun and exciting filled with new friends and memories, but that doesn't mean that you can't take you friend from home along for the ride.