This is your typical I-found-Jesus-and-he-saved-my-life article. But since we all have different testimonies, I don't feel bad writing about something you probably see every week.
I've always had an issue with religion. As a child, I couldn't quite grasp the fact that we were suppose to believe in something that is not there. I asked questions like "if we can't see him, then who's to say other belief systems aren't real?" or "I don't understand how one person is supposed to actually be three." I was a nerdy little brat who was all about numbers and proof and I just couldn't understand how the lack of evidence about the existence of our creator just simply wasn't there. The numbers weren't adding up!
As I got older, my faith was still rocky and I decided that as soon as I moved out of my mother's house, I wouldn't go to church anymore because it just wasn't for me.
That wasn't the case at all.
When I moved away to college, I didn't go to church at all freshmen year (but only because I didn't have a car and was scared to attend the on-campus ministry). It was exactly the break I needed from religion so I could try and figure myself out. It was actually only recently that I was called to Jesus.
After a drastic turn of events, I hit rock bottom. With two jobs, taking five classes and now the legal guardian of my younger sister, I was overwhelmed. I was tired. Tired of praying. Tired of working. Tired of everything. But as soon as I hit rock bottom, I saw that Jesus was the rock at the bottom.
As soon as I started acknowledging his presence, my blessings started to overflow. My car situation was fixed. My grades got better. I had a better outlook on life and it was all because of Him. He saved me. A sinner that had been through it all, and somehow I still felt that I was more than welcome into his open arms.
Things are still tough, but I know that he never puts more on you than you can bear. I'm more or less writing this article as a reminder to myself because I sometimes forget that I have a friend in Jesus and I try to handle all my situations on my own. Life gets you down, but Jesus pulls you right back up.